Training Zones

Training zones for runners are categorized based on intensity and effort. Runtrics offers two types of training zones: Heart Rate & Pace. Training zones are unique to each runner and can be calculated a variefy of ways. We have free calculators available to help you identify yours and then enable you to set these within your settings.

Heart rate zones are calculated based on your maximum heart rate. Each zone serves a specific training purpose and is color-coded for easy reference in the app.

Zone 5: Maximum (90-100% of max HR)

VO2 Max/Anaerobic - Very intense efforts that can only be sustained for short periods

Zone 4: Hard (80-90% of max HR)

Threshold/Tempo - Comfortably hard pace that improves speed and endurance

Zone 3: Moderate (70-80% of max HR)

Aerobic/Endurance - Moderate effort that builds aerobic fitness

Zone 2: Light (60-70% of max HR)

Fat Burning/Base - Easy effort that builds endurance and burns fat

Zone 1: Very Light (50-60% of max HR)

Recovery/Warm-up - Very easy effort for recovery and warm-up

Note: Your maximum heart rate is used to calculate these zones. While a common estimate is 220 minus your age, this varies by individual. You can adjust your max heart rate in the settings to get more accurate zones for your training.

Pace zones are calculated based on your threshold pace (the pace you can maintain for about an hour of running). These zones help you train at the right intensity for different types of workouts.

Zone 5: Race Pace (105-115% of threshold)

High-intensity intervals and race-specific training

Zone 4: Threshold (95-105% of threshold)

Tempo runs and lactate threshold training

Zone 3: Steady (85-95% of threshold)

Steady-state runs that build endurance

Zone 2: Easy (75-85% of threshold)

Easy runs for building aerobic base

Zone 1: Recovery (60-75% of threshold)

Very easy running for recovery days

Note: Your threshold pace is used to calculate these zones. You can set your threshold pace in the settings, or let Runtrics estimate it based on your recent race times or time trials.

Training Zones in Runtrics

Training zones are deeply integreated into Runtrics. Once you have calculated or set your zones you will see the associated color of those zones visualized in different charts, tables, and graphs.

How to set your zones

  1. Once you have calculated your zones, click the Settings within your profile dropdown menu.
  2. Find the heart rate or pace zones section and adjust the default zones to your calculated zones.
  3. Changes will be saved automatically and updated across the app.
  4. You can adjust these zones at any time.